33 Fruits That Start With S

Fruits That Start With S

A diet high in fiber will maintain healthy digestion and enhance your quality of life. Fruits are a rich source of fiber, which aids in your body’s detoxification and maintenance of health.

Fruits are a great source of vitamins and minerals. They also include a variety of antioxidants that promote health.

Look further into the article to discover some delicious fruits that begin with the letter S.

33 Fruits That Start With S

Outlined below are the fruits that start with S.

  1. Saigon Mango

The Singapore mango has a vast, rounded shape, smooth skin, and sweet flavor. Generally speaking, it is always present. It can be cooked with or eaten raw.

  • Salak

A fruit native to Southeast Asia, salak is typically greenish yellow or purplish black, but it can also be white or red.

It can be juicy and have many seeds, just like a cucumber. It has a taste that is somewhat sweet and comparable to cucumber.

  • Star Fruit

Although it has a mildly acidic flavor by itself, it has no taste. It becomes a tasty dish combined with other fruits and vegetables like lime juice or coconut.

  • Salal

The Salish typically consume Salal fruit as a snack and also brew wine out of it. However, you may also use it to cover up strong meat odors or flavor items like stews and salads.

  • Salmonberry

The salmonberry is a fruit with delicious-tasting flesh that can be red, silver, or yellow in hue. These are most likely to be present in July and August.

Pick the ones that are slightly firm and unbruised wherever possible. The fruit is frequently used to produce jam or jelly.

  • Santol

A tropical fruit called santol has a pleasant aroma and taste. You can find it in China, the Philippines, and Southeast Asia.

  • Sarvisberry

A kind of tiny tree belonging to the rose family produces sarvisberries. The fruit is spherical, orange, and of excellent quality. It is frequently consumed uncooked or used to make jams.

  • Soncoya

Soncoya fruits are indigenous to the West Indies, where kids typically eat them uncooked. The outside of this fruit is abrasive, but the inside is sweet.

  • Splendour Apple

The skin of splendour apples is a pale golden tint with crimson stripes. They taste sweeter and have more pulp than other apple varieties.

  • Strawberry

The strawberry’s skin ranges in hue from dull red to white. If frost has been damaged, the sweet flesh is yellow with a crimson spot.

Though it goes by the term “strawberry jam,” this fruit doesn’t contain jam or jelly.

  • Stinking Bishop Pear

A pear-shaped fruit known as the Stinking Bishop has a brownish-yellow exterior and a white and green interior.

It is a small to medium-sized fruit with a tart, sweet-tasting flesh that smells like flowers.

  • Star Apple

Pears and apricots were hybridized to create Star Apples. On special occasions, when served with whipped cream or ice cream, they are frequently used in cooking and as an ingredient in salads, desserts, and pies.

  • Seagrape

It can occasionally observe shades of red and purple, and its skin is mainly green.

The flesh might be white, pinkish-red, or purple, but most frequently, a light green or yellow color. With its thin, wavy skin, it resembles a lime.

  • Sour Satsumacherry

Mandarins, a little citrus fruit, are what satsumas are. They are green and packed with seeds and juice.

They can be dried for later use or used in salads and beverages in addition to being eaten fresh.

  • Strawberry Jamoona

An exotic fruit called jamoona resembles an apple or a pear in appearance. Because they have a flavor unlike any other fruit, jamoonas are a favorite of mine.

They’re frequently employed to produce jams or alcoholic beverages like wine.

  • Strawberry Guava

Strawberry guavas are a pear and mango crossbreed. They will have a strawberry flavor and the creamy texture of ripe apricots or mangoes.

  • Sugar Apple

An apple variety called a “sugar apple” is a hybrid of an orange and a muskmelon. They are used in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails, just like muskmelons.

  • Sweet Orange

Bright orange fruit with an acidic flavor is known as sweet orange. It has a lot of juice, which can be consumed straight from the container with a spoon or extracted to produce orange juice.

  • Safou

It resembles a cherry or an apricot in specific ways, but unlike those fruits, it lacks pits.

They are sweeter than other fruits, and the sweetness comes from the seeds, which is why I adore them.

  • Shonan Gold

An apple variety called “Shonan Gold” was created and raised in Japan. This apple has thin skin and crisp, lovely flesh. As opposed to a Japanese apple, it tastes more like an American apple.

  • Seville Orange

Seville oranges are a type of citrus fruit that is typically orange in color. They taste acidic and contain a lot of juice, which can be extracted by pressing the fruit or using machinery for crushing.

  • Sapodilla

The pale flesh and rigid outer skin of sapodillas have a delicious, moist center.

They have a terrific flavor and the ideal degree of acidity, which is why they are frequently used in sweets like pies or cakes.

  • Sunset Apple

A variety of apples known as a “Sunset Apple” is often crimson and has a tart flavor. They are valuable fruit for cooking since they are used to generate juice.

  • Sunberry

One of the earliest varieties of wild fruit is the sunberry. This fruit, which might be red or yellow, is related to lingonberries.

They are consumed fresh, frequently as dessert, and are in season from July through September.

  • Sweet Lime

They transition from green to an orange-yellow tint when they are ripe.

The delicious limes are frequently added as a garnish to fruit drinks and other drinks, as well as in sauces and desserts.

  • Sugar Baby Watermelon

Given that it can fit in a refrigerator, the sugar baby watermelon is also known as an icebox melon.

You can anticipate it as sweet, like a ripe mango or tomato. A sugar baby will ripen in 75 days instead of a full-sized watermelon taking 120 days.

  • Sugar Palm Fruit

The sugar palm fruits are spherical and green when they are immature. When the fruit is about 5 cm in diameter, it will slowly turn from green to yellowish-brown to black.

  • Sweet Pepper

Due to their vibrant colors and advantageous health properties, sweet peppers are popular in many different types of cuisine. They can be stuffed, roasted, grilled, or eaten raw.

  • Shaddock

Shaddock has a flavor that is somewhat sweeter and more similar to grapefruit.

Shaddocks have a delicious, clean scent with a tinge of lemon, making many people fall in love with them.

  • Sour Plum

When picked early, sour plums have an oval shape, high acidity, and a tart flavor.

Their skin changes from green to a bright yellow with a red flush as they age. The meat will now soften and take on a sweet and sour flavor.

  • Sloe

Sloes also known as blackthorns, are native to northeastern Africa, western Asia, and Europe.

The fruits are well-known in Britain as the primary components of sloe gin. When ripe, the fruits change from green to blue.

  • Soursop

The flavor of the flesh will change once it is in your mouth, going from tart to sweet.

Soursops taste better when scooped out with a spoon than when sliced into cubes because of their stringy texture.

  • Sudachi

A citrus delicacy from Tokushima, Japan, called sudachi. The fruit is small and oblong, and its skin color is green. The squeezed juice is highly sour and is used to flavor meals or as a “ponzu” dip.


So, the list of fruits that begin with the letter S is provided above. These fruits can be eaten raw by both humans and animals and are not poisonous.

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