How To Start A Slush Business/Mobile Slushie (2023) – Complete Guide

There’s no denying that slushies are here to stay. They’ve been beloved for generations, and their fame is only increasing as more people discover the deliciousness of these frozen treats. 

But what about taking your love of slushies to the next level? Have you ever considered starting a slush business?

This guide will show you how to make your dream a reality. We’ll explain why starting a mobile slushie business could be the key to your financial independence in 2023. 

We’ll walk you through all the steps of setting up and running your own business. 

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How To Start A Slush Business

If you’re considering starting a slush business in 2021, you should know a few things. Whether you’re opening a brick-and-mortar shop or thinking about taking your wares on the road, several steps are involved in getting up and running.

Step 1: Understand The Financials And Create A Business Plan

Before anything, it’s essential to understand the financials and create a business plan which outlines your intended product lines, pricing, and expected profit margins. 

How to Obtain Financing for Your Slush Business

When starting a slush business, you must find the right financing option to achieve your dreams. 

Here are some standard financing options that you may want to consider:

Small Business Loans

Small Business Administration (SBA) loans can be an excellent option for entrepreneurs who don’t have collateral or good credit. 

SBA loans are often more flexible than traditional bank loans and don’t require collateral, making them easier to approve. Plus, they come with small interest rates and long repayment terms.


Crowdsourcing is a great way to raise capital and get the word out about your business in one go. 

You can use sites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo to raise funds from friends, family, and even strangers who believe in your product or service. 

Ensure you set a reasonable funding goal and incentivize people to donate so they’re more likely to contribute.

Angel Investors

Angel investors are high-net-worth individuals with the resources to fund startups in exchange for equity or other company ownership forms. 

If you decide to go this route, you must do your research first – angel investors usually look for businesses with potential profits down the line, so you must have a viable plan before approaching an angel investor.

Step 2: Find a Location 

You should also research potential locations for your shop or migratory route and determine the necessary licenses and permits to comply with local health regulations.

Depending on your area and local regulations (as well as any health codes for food service), some paperwork might need filing before you can get started. 

Step 3:Get Your  Equipment 

The next step is to choose the right equipment: commercial-grade slushie machines, straws, cups, and other dispensers. 

Are you aiming for a fixed location or a mobile-based one? Depending on your choice, you’ll need different equipment and supplies.

If opening a fixed location, you’ll need an industrial slushie machine, mixers, storage bins, cups, straws, spoons, or ladles. 

On the other hand, if mobile is the way for you, you’ll need a vehicle suitable for transporting frozen drinks, ice, and other supplies.

If you plan to serve food with your slushies, you will also need refrigeration units and kitchen supplies such as napkins and utensils. 

Finally, it’s worth investigating wholesale suppliers for ingredients like fruit juices and syrups, which can help to reduce costs.

Step 4: Develop a Unique Slush Menu

One of the most important things you can do when starting your slush business is to create a unique menu that people will be drawn to. 

With so many varieties of slushes, you want to make sure yours stands out from the rest. 

Here are tips on how you can develop a unique slush menu:

Choose a niche

The key to success in any business is to focus on a target group and then cater your offerings accordingly. 

If you’re targeting young adults, focus on flavors catering to their tastes—think exotic fruits or beverages and classic favorites like ice cream. 

Focusing on a specific demographic allows you to create a compelling and exciting menu while remaining focused and tailored to their preferences.

Experiment with flavors

There’s no limit to the variety of creative flavors you can serve! Punk up classic favorites such as coffee, tea, and chocolate by adding fun twists like matcha or peppermint.

You can also create unique blends from tropical fruits such as dragon fruit or acai berry. The possibilities are endless, and customers will be eager to try something new!

Offer customizable options

Give customers the option of customizing their slushes by offering different add-in choices. This could include anything from cookie crumbles or Oreo chunks to nuts and marshmallows (for those seeking something extra indulgent). You’ll never know what delicious combinations people might come up with!

By following these tips for creating your unique slush menu, you’ll indeed have customers returning for more!

Step 5: Promote Your Slushie Business

Once you have the proper equipment and resources to get your mobile slushie business up and running, it’s time to think about promotion. 

Casting a wider net and reaching more potential customers is vital if you want to be successful. Fortunately, you can do this in many ways, from using social media to creating a website. 

Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can promote your business online:

  1. Social Media

Use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and YouTube. 

Not only will this help you keep your existing customers engaged with events, offers, and deals—it will also make your business more visible. 

Plus, when your followers engage with or share your content on their accounts, it will help further boost visibility for your mobile slushie business.

Tips for Developing a Social Media Presence and Brand Awareness

Creating an online presence is a must and one of the best ways to start brand awareness for your mobile slushie business. Here are some tips to get you started:

Have A Unique Hashtag

A unique hashtag can help spread the word about your business and allow people to engage with you and your brand. Ensure it’s easy to remember and use on social media posts.

Use Visuals

People love engaging visuals, so make sure to include them in all of your posts. This can be anything from photos, GIFs, or videos of you or your product, which will help people learn more about what sets your slushies apart from other brands.

Engage with Influencers

Reach out to influencers in your area or industry who might be interested in promoting or talking about your product. Working with influencers can help boost visibility and create brand recognition quickly.

Host Contests & Giveaways

Contests or giveaways that involve sharing your content are great ways to increase engagement with potential customers. 

You could also partner with another local business for increased reach and visibility within the community.

By following these tips for developing a social media presence, you’ll surely see success in building brand awareness for your mobile slushie business!

  1. Website

Consider creating a website for your mobile slushie business. Here, you can offer more detailed information about what type of products you offer and other services that might be relevant for potential customers. 

An easy-to-navigate website lets customers buy directly from you without leaving their homes!

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Finally, optimizing your website for search engines is essential if you want people to learn about your business online. 

This means creating keyword-rich content optimized for search engine algorithms so that when people search terms related to mobile slushies in search engines like Google or Bing, they can easily stumble upon your page in the process!

Different Approaches to Retaining Customers and Generating Repeat Business

Remember that creating a successful slush business means more than just getting customers in the door. After all, building customer loyalty and keeping them returning for more is crucial.

Variations and Flavors

An innovative technique to do this is by offering customers various options. A few different flavor combinations or variations can help draw in new customers. 

Additionally, you can offer seasonal flavors, like pumpkin spice and eggnog, during the holiday season. This will help to keep your business fresh and exciting for customers throughout the year.

Promotions and Loyalty Programs

Consider implementing promotions or loyalty programs that reward repeat customers with discounts or special offers. 

This type of incentive is sure to generate repeat business! Plus, it’s an excellent way to show customers that you value them and want them to return.

Customer Rewards

Finally, consider offering rewards or points systems with each purchase to reward frequent buyers and encourage them to return. 

These rewards can range from free drinks or desserts to discounts on future purchases—anything that will make your customers feel valued!


Getting into the mobile slushie business can be exciting and potentially lucrative. It is a great small business; get creative with your slushie flavors, build a solid customer base, and gain experience in the world of entrepreneurship.

It requires consistent hard work to start a slush business, but with the proper knowledge, tools, and commitment, you can build a thriving slushie empire that stands out in the crowd. Good luck!

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