How to Fix Weather Stripping on Car Roof

Does your car’s roof leak? There could be several reasons for this, but one could be due to faulty weather stripping on the roof. 

Weather stripping is essential to a car roof, as it keeps the elements out while you drive. Unfortunately, weather stripping can wear out or become damaged and must be replaced over time.

If you’re dealing with a leaky car roof, knowing how to replace the weather stripping can save you both time and money in the long run. 

This blog post will show you how to fix weather stripping on a car roof and get your car back into peak shape. 

We’ll also provide helpful tips for selecting and applying new weather stripping so you can do it right the first time.

What is Weather Stripping?

If you’ve noticed that it’s become harder to keep air from entering your car through the roof, you may need to replace or repair the weather stripping. 

The weather stripping seals up the window frames and roof, helping to stop air from entering and creating a comfortable environment inside.

But what is it made of? Usually, it’s a flexible strip made from rubber, plastic or felt that runs around the edge of each window frame and along the metal roof of your car. It’s designed to fill small gaps and provide a tight seal against air infiltration.

Though usually durable, weather stripping can become brittle over time due to exposure to heat, cold, and water. 

This can cause cracking or breakage, leaving gaps for air and moisture to come in through. 

If you think this might be happening in your car, take a closer look at the condition of your weather stripping—it could be causing more damage than you think!

How to Fix Weather Stripping on Car Roof

When it comes to keeping your car safe from water and wind damage, weather stripping on the roof of your car is essential. 

If your weather stripping is damaged, you may be worried about how to fix it. Not to worry, though—with the right tools and some know-how, you can fix your weather stripping in no time.

Assessing the Damage 

The first step is to assess the damage. This usually means removing the weather stripping and examining it for tears or holes. 

A simple patch job should do the trick if the damage is minimal. However, replacing the whole piece may be necessary if there are more extensive areas of damage.

Once you’ve determined what kind of repair needs to be done, it’s time to get to work. You’ll need a few essential tools: a putty knife, some adhesive sealant, and thin strips of weather stripping.

The following simple steps will help ensure that your car’s roof is adequately sealed again—keeping it protected from wind and water damage for years!

Preparing the Area to Replace Weather Stripping

Once you’ve finished inspecting the weather stripping, you can start preparing the area to replace it. This involves a few steps:

  1. Clean the roof to remove dirt and debris so the new weather stripping can adhere properly.
  2. Apply heat to the old weather stripping to loosen it from its adhesive. This will help you remove it easier and quicker.
  3. Use a flat-head screwdriver or putty knife to scrape off any remaining adhesive on the roof surface.
  4. Vacuum or wipe down the roof with a damp cloth to remove dust particles before applying new weather stripping.
  5. Dry the roof entirely before applying any new adhesive or weather stripping, as moisture can prevent them from sticking correctly and reduce its overall quality and lifespan.

Removing Old Weather Stripping

You must remove the old stripping to fix the weather stripping on your car roof. This can be tricky and requires some patience, but with the right tools it is possible.

Removing Old Stripping

To remove the old weather stripping, you’ll need a few supplies: screwdrivers, pliers, a razor blade, and some lubricant. 

First, carefully pry off the rubber seal from around the roof’s edges. Then remove any screws that may be holding it in place. 

Once you have removed all of the screws, you can start to pull off the weather stripping from around the sides of your car’s roof.

If it proves difficult to remove the strip, use a razor blade to cut the seal and then use lubricant to help pull it away from any sticky spots.

Once you have removed all the old weather stripping, you can move onto step two—installing new strips.

Choosing the Right Replacement Weather Stripping

There are two main types of weather stripping: rubber and foam. Rubber weather stripping is the traditional choice for vehicles because it does an excellent job of keeping out water and dust and is affordable. 

You must find a suitable replacement to fix the weather stripping on your car roof. 

Foam weather stripping is much softer and will conform to the contours of your vehicle’s body better than rubber, but it may not last as long in harsher climates.

Either way, measure your car before buying replacement weather stripping to get the right size and not have any gaps when installed. 

It should fit snugly against both sides of your car’s roof and around its edges without gaps or overlaps.

Installing New Weather Stripping

Installing new weather stripping on your car roof is a relatively simple task that any car owner can do. 

Here are the steps you’ll need to take for a successful installation:

  1. Clean and dry the area thoroughly before installing the new weather stripping, using a damp cloth to remove any dirt and debris, and then drying the area with a dry cloth or paper towel.
  2. Cut the new weather stripping to fit the exact size of your car roof, and then peel off the backing paper from one end of the strip.
  3. Line up one edge of the strip with your car’s roof and start pushing it into place, ensuring that it lines up perfectly and that there are no gaps or irregularities in its shape.
  4. Once everything is in place, press down firmly along the entire length of the weather stripping to secure it properly to your car’s roof and prevent water from leaking into your interior cabin space. This will ensure that your new weather stripping will last for years without needing to be replaced too soon!


If your vehicle’s weather stripping is damaged, don’t despair – there are simple steps you can take to fix the problem. 

Whether you apply a sealant or replace the weather stripping entirely, getting your car roof weather-tightened again shouldn’t be daunting.

If you follow the tips in this article, you should be able to fix your car’s weather stripping in no time and get back to the open road. 

Just remember to take your time and pay careful attention to the details – this will ensure that your car’s weather stripping is fixed correctly and lasts for years.

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